
  1. 7. Created the first widely used web browser
  2. 10. Created the transistor
  3. 11. Helped create the USB
  4. 12. Helped create the first electronic general computer
  5. 15. Helped create the first computer game
  6. 17. Created the integrated circuit
  7. 18. Helped create the first personal computer
  8. 19. Created the first American electronic computer
  1. 1. Created the first printed circuit board
  2. 2. Created the gigahertz computer processor
  3. 3. High level hackers
  4. 4. Created the universal processor
  5. 5. Helped create the first programmable computer
  6. 6. Atanasoff Created the first electronic digital computer
  7. 8. Created the idea of playing video games on a TV screen
  8. 9. Created modern style computing
  9. 13. Created the idea of allowing students to use computers as
  10. 14. Created the BASIC programming language
  11. 15. Helped create the Turing machine
  12. 16. Created and expanded the video game industry