
  1. 2. work area
  2. 4. Start button also plug and play
  3. 6. NFL
  4. 8. Main person that created apple
  5. 9. (-)
  6. 10. Image represents an action
  7. 12. brain
  8. 13. largest software co.
  9. 15. Programs run in a
  10. 17. Two or more computers sharing resources
  11. 18. Microsoft
  12. 19. makes changes to your screen to prevent burn in.
  1. 1. Double SQUARE
  2. 3. Created apple
  3. 4. 2001 it was an operating System 13yrs
  4. 5. NBA
  5. 7. covering for picture over the desk top
  6. 11. 1 dot on a monitor
  7. 14. unit Monitor
  8. 16. unit Flash drive