Iowa MH Computers

  1. 5. created first digital computer, did not get all credit due to patent disputes
  2. 6. computer power of the people, predicted many files servers by 2020
  3. 9. lighter and faster
  4. 10. networks response to Vaste Wasteland speech
  5. 12. predicted an intergalactic network accessible anywhere
  6. 14. killer app for Apple's Macintosh
  7. 15. "this computer held you"
  8. 16. function of computer, reason why they buy it
  9. 17. killer app for Apple 2 computer
  10. 18. billions of transistor on an integrated circuit
  11. 19. first computer programmer
  1. 1. rigged quiz show
  2. 2. used to decipher codes in WW2
  3. 3. "collection, indexing, summarizing, and release of knowledge" for all
  4. 4. Vast Wasteland speech
  5. 7. envisioned the modern day PC
  6. 8. inspiration for Difference Engine
  7. 9. radio telephony, largest of the three
  8. 11. predicted new forms of encyclopedias
  9. 13. tabulating machine for the US Census