
  1. 3. copies pages on to your computer
  2. 6. access the internet
  3. 8. connected computers
  4. 11. place on the inter to talk to people
  5. 13. put stuff on the internet
  6. 16. save stuff to your computer
  7. 17. used to type in words
  8. 18. works by using pixels
  9. 21. produces hardcopies from your computer
  10. 22. someone who tries to illegally access your computer from the internetu
  11. 23. junk mail
  1. 1. contains the hard drive of your pc
  2. 2. location on the internet
  3. 4. allows you to chat face to face
  4. 5. the programs on your computer
  5. 7. protects your computer from hackers
  6. 9. the attachments to your computer
  7. 10. go from site to site on the internet
  8. 12. stores information on your computer
  9. 14. can be right or left clicked
  10. 15. allows only you to access your emails
  11. 16. information
  12. 18. watch programs online
  13. 19. to be connected to the internet
  14. 20. symbol on windows
  15. 21. download illegally