  1. 1. ________ against the Spirit will not be forgiven in this life or the age to come. Matt:12
  2. 3. The Holy Spirit came down upon Jesus at His baptism in the form of a _________. CCC700
  3. 4. Indicates the indelible effect of the anointing with the Holy Spirit. CCC698
  4. 5. number of commandments
  5. 7. To believe the whole truth that God has revealed is called ___________. CCC150
  6. 8. fruit of the Holy Spirit mentioned Gal 5:22-23. Goal of Christian living. Blessed are those who bear this fruit for they will be called children of God.
  7. 10. Figure by which Jesus casts out demons by the power of the Holy Spirit. CCC700
  8. 11. Transforming energy of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit appeared at Pentecost in the form of tongues of ________. CCC696
  9. 13. No one can Jesus is __________ except by the Holy Spirit. CCC684
  10. 15. Gift helps a person love God as reflected in reverence.
  11. 18. Another name for Baptismal Sponsor is a ____-_______. CCC1255
  12. 20. the greatest of all gifts. God is __________.
  13. 22. Gift which enables us to profess the faith despite difficulties, disappointments, suffering and lack of understanding from others
  14. 23. Gift which helps us to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit in making moral decisions.
  1. 1. Sacred signs instituted by Jesus Christ that dispense grace most fully.
  2. 2. Gift which allows us to comprehend Gods Revelation.
  3. 6. Symbolism of the Holy Spirit action in baptism. A sacramental sign of new birth into the divine life of God. CCC684
  4. 9. Perfumed olive oil used in baptism and confirmation consecrated by the Bishop.
  5. 10. Gift recognizes the majesty, awe and wonder of God and our dependence on Him
  6. 12. At Pentecost a strong driving ________ fills the entire house. Acts 2
  7. 14. Gift which gives us God perspective of the world.
  8. 16. Gift of Gods loving presence in our life. Participation in the very life of God.
  9. 17. Gift in understanding of Gods creation and the plan God has established for creatures.
  10. 19. The seductive liar from the beginning who was created good but became evil.
  11. 21. Preparation for Confirmation aims at leading a Christian toward a deeper union with Christ and to grow in knowledge of the ________-_________. CCC1309