Conflict Management

  1. 2. gains The view that through interest-based negotiations the needs of all parties can be met to some extent (also called cooperative, integrative, win-win, interest-based bargaining)
  2. 6. theory The concept that people consistently make sense of the world by assigning meaning and motives to others’ behaviors
  3. 9. A distributive view that resources are limited. As they are allocated, the amount of resources left ultimately will reach zero
  4. 10. A demand, proposed solution, or fixed outcome statement
  5. 13. conflict undesirable outcome for both parties or both outcomes so instead of addressing the conflict, they'll avoid the conflict.
  6. 16. The event that precipitates a conflict episode (also called triggering events)
  7. 18. The end or desired condition
  8. 20. A tendency to defend one’s position from a competitive stance
  9. 22. goals Goals regarding the expression of self-worth, pride, or self-respect
  10. 23. theories Explanations that focus on the communication that occurs between people in conflict rather than on an individual or internal processes
  11. 26. point A critical moment during an interaction when one choice of how to respond will set the tone for future interaction and possibly change the direction of a relationship
  12. 28. Providing reasons to support an assertion or claim
  13. 29. bias In attribution theory, where one ascribes motivations for personal behavior to a personal character trait when it is most flattering and to situation constraints to diminish personal responsibility (the precise opposite of how motivations are attributed to others)
  14. 32. A theory that holds one’s personality and behavior are influenced by social development as opposed to biological development
  15. 33. One’s view of oneself
  16. 35. six views A theory that each person in a conversation has three views
  17. 36. A state where one thing or person requires another thing or person to meet goals
  18. 37. meaning a commonly understood cultural or emotional association that some word or phrase carries.
  19. 38. goal A party’s preference for the depth or type of connection to another person and personality style.
  20. 39. The public or private image one holds about oneself (also called self-face
  21. 40. goal In negotiation a party’s desired means of how an event should happen or a negotiation should proceed
  1. 1. goals Goals around tangible resources
  2. 3. the action or process of making sense of or giving meaning to something, especially new developments and experiences.
  3. 4. climates create an environment where communication is threatening.
  4. 5. theory Developed by Lewin and others; the theory suggests there are types of forces that drive conflict and forces that restrain conflict
  5. 7. The general conversational area in which a conflict issue may be embedded
  6. 8. An overarching set of beliefs about how the world works and one’s place in it
  7. 11. A theory that holds one’s personality and behavior are influenced by biological development rather than social development
  8. 12. Deeply seated beliefs and core ideas about right and wrong
  9. 14. aggressiveness Ultra argumentativeness using personal attacks, name-calling, and other aggressive tactics
  10. 15. exchange theory A relational theory suggesting individuals make choices about relationships by evaluating the personal rewards, costs, and expected profits/benefits involved in maintaining that relationship.
  11. 17. Dilemma A classic game theory example using two criminals pitted against each other during police interrogation
  12. 19. Conflicts caused by misinterpretations and misinformation
  13. 21. a convenient arrangement; a settlement or compromise
  14. 24. theory The idea that people make life choices based on a cost-benefit analysis of what better meets personal goals
  15. 25. A style or tactic in response to conflict not to engage directly in conflict
  16. 27. goals Goals held by individuals at the beginning of a conflict
  17. 29. A relatively stable set of perceptions, values, attitudes, and beliefs an individual holds about oneself
  18. 30. motive Situations where an individual’s goals are somewhat cooperative and somewhat competitive
  19. 31. focus A conflict management technique that requires disputants to attend to the changes to be made in the existing circumstances instead of focusing on past events, previous problems, or root causes
  20. 34. conflict Issues that have potential for conflict that the parties do not yet perceive to be a problem
  21. 36. A need that drives a goal