Conflict Management Vocabulary

  1. 2. There is a finite amount of something and any part of it that one individual obtains another cannot.
  2. 5. A desired condition
  3. 6. A relatively stable set of perceptions about oneself.
  4. 8. Theory, A theory that states there is a constant internal struggle between humans “ids” and “superegos”.
  5. 9. Behaviors that are determined by biology
  6. 12. View: An overarching set of beliefs about how the world works and ones place in it.
  7. 13. Theory, States that people make relationship choices on a cost- benefit tally system.
  8. 14. A rational weighing of facts and evidence that uses rules of logic.
  9. 17. Conflict, When there are differences present but they are not strong enough for one of the parties to act.
  10. 22. Process, The idea that communication occurs in a series of one way conversations
  11. 23. Removing one self from controversy
  12. 25. Agression, Attacks others and their positions
  13. 26. A type of interaction theory that states that people create meaning through a series of personal constructs.
  14. 28. Conflict, A struggle among a small number of interdependent people arising from perceived interference with goal achievement.
  15. 29. Agression, Begrudging compliance, possibly with a plan to get even attached with it.
  16. 31. Goals, Goals that relate to how things should be done
  17. 35. Needs
  18. 36. Theory, States that conflict management must involve the perspective of all parties to the conflict, not just one side.
  19. 37. Management, Any communication intended to move two people’s views of a situation closer together.
  20. 38. Communication, An individuals internal dialogue about their actions and beliefs conflicting.
  1. 1. Process, The idea that communication occurs continuously and simultaneously
  2. 3. Conflict, Arises from a focus on the underlying needs of each party rather than the surface demands.
  3. 4. An event that precipitates a conflict and usually is directly related to the topic.
  4. 7. Meaning, The personal association of a word.
  5. 10. Defending ones positions and attacking the other party’s positions.
  6. 11. Goals, Who two parties want to be to eachother
  7. 15. What conversations are about
  8. 16. Motive, A situation where goals are more or less positive or more of less negatively related and the actions are more or less effective.
  9. 18. Tentative explanations for observed behaviors.
  10. 19. Goals, Goals that relate to an individuals sense of self worth, pride, self respect or power.
  11. 20. Meaning, The dictionary definition of a word.
  12. 21. Theory, Within any system there are forces that drive conflicts and forces that restrain conflicts.
  13. 24. Demands, proposed solutions or other fixed outcome statements.
  14. 26. Point A moment where an individuals response can change the entire direction of a relationship.
  15. 27. The level which people need each other to attain their goals.
  16. 30. Resource, Anything someone perceives to be in limited supply.
  17. 32. Gains, Encompasses the concept that the goals of all parties in conflict might be met if creative strategies are applied to the problem.
  18. 33. Goal: How an individual wishes events to unfold, how decisions are made or how communication occurs.
  19. 34. Behaviors that are learned