Conflict Vocabulary

  1. 2. weather that causes a safety risk
  2. 6. from another country
  3. 8. Greek word for city-state
  4. 13. a problem that deals with the earth's physical features, including natural disasters, inclement weather (bad, unpleasant, destructive), and shortages of natural resources.
  5. 15. savagely cruel; exceedingly brutal
  6. 16. a problem
  7. 17. Greek for "high city". The chief temples of the city were located here.
  8. 18. huge arena located in Rome where Romans witnessed games, races, battles, and gladiator contests
  9. 20. a mythical large hollow wooden horse (filled with Greek soldiers) left by the Greeks outside Troy during the Trojan War
  10. 21. an open space in the center of town that served as a market, and as place of conversing with others and debating politics
  11. 22. conflict based on past events and memories of past events
  1. 1. The first recorded persecution of Christians began in Rome around AD 64 under him, he blamed Christians for a fire in Rome that he actually started
  2. 3. to put to death as a legal punishment
  3. 4. a type of conflict that involves trade routes, resource production, or finances.
  4. 5. -mistreatment or punishment of a group of people because of their beliefs
  5. 7. originated in Ancient Greece as a competition for its own citizens, became a series of international athletic games
  6. 8. Formation of soldiers carrying shields and spears close together for defense
  7. 9. a political system consisting of an independent city having sovereignty over contiguous territory and serving as a center and leader of political, economic, and cultural life
  8. 10. A person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs
  9. 11. a dispute or disagreement between citizens or members of government
  10. 12. a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.
  11. 14. the followers of the Christian religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus
  12. 19. a a sudden seizure of political power in a nation, also known as a Coupe d’etat