Connection November

  1. 5. FA's magazine
  2. 6. ..and our lives were _____.
  3. 7. Above all, we ____ if we are tempted to take the first addictive bite.
  4. 9. Our common ____ should come first...
  5. 11. Number of FA tools
  6. 12. A ____ of Recovery (BB story)
  7. 13. The Gift of ____
  8. 16. Dr. Bob's _____ (BB story)
  9. 19. ...lest problems of money, _____, or prestige...
  10. 20. "Alcohol clipped this pilot's wings..." (BB story)
  11. 21. ______ experience
  1. 1. _____ Heal Thyself (BB story)
  2. 2. We admitted we were _____ over food...
  3. 3. Addict Perhaps You're a _____ (2 words, FA Book chapter)
  4. 4. ____ is essential to our recovery
  5. 8. Ours is a program of ____
  6. 10. _____ prior to investigation
  7. 14. _____ Was the Answer (BB story
  8. 15. ____ is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions...
  9. 17. medical procedure to remove something
  10. 18. The ____ Red Book