Conservation History

  1. 2. You and I own the public lands of WI and our nation. This idea is known as the Common _________.
  2. 4. The first demonstration of the Common Trust in the Supreme court was a landowner that sued saying he "owned" this seafood from the NJ mudflats.
  3. 6. Settlers to North America were from this continent, bringing diseases that killed Native Americans and sent many natural resources "home"
  4. 11. Gifford __________ was the 1st Chief of the Forest Service. He served as WI's first forester.
  5. 15. The EPA is the Environmental __________________________ Agency.
  6. 16. Emerson wrote this book asking people to look at God's creation not for for food and profit.
  7. 18. Rachel Carson penned a book, __________Spring that focused on DDT causes weak egg shells.
  8. 20. Aldo Leopold's book, the ________ County Almanac revolves around Baraboo, WI.
  9. 23. Known as the Father of Ecology, taught game management at UW-Madison.
  10. 24. The U.S., Canada and England formed the 1st international treaty dealing with what type of birds?
  11. 25. By 1886, only 540 of these mammals remained in Yellowstone. This animal was market hunted for their meat, bones, and hides.
  12. 27. Act named after an Iowan senator outlawing the movement of game across state line for sale.
  13. 28. The CCC was started during the depression from FDR to put young to work creating State and National Park and fire lookouts in WI. This was called the __________________Conservation Corp.
  14. 29. Made into top hats in Europe
  15. 31. Rhode Island was the first state to have a _____ deer hunting season (open for certain days)
  16. 32. ________ and Clark explored the West in 1804-06 and their publicizing led to many seeking the frontier
  17. 33. Richard Nixon and Congress passed the ___________Species Act, saving the Bald Eagle, grizzly and peregrine falcon.
  1. 1. This type of pigeon would blanket the sky in WI because it loved the oak savannah grasslands. Hunting and fear of damage to crops led to extinction. "Martha" died in a Cincinnati Zoo.
  2. 3. CRP was included in the Farm Bill. It put farm land into wildlife habitat. CRP stands for Conservation ________________ Program.
  3. 5. Theodore _____________ is known as the conservation president, naming numerous parks, preserves and National Parks.
  4. 7. The _____________-Robertson Act created an 11% tax on ammo, guns, and hunting accessories to help fund research and purchase habitat.
  5. 8. This nation brought the domestic horse, cow, sheep, goats and pig that competed with wildlife
  6. 9. This type of hunting sold feathers, meat, skins and fur on open or unregulated markets
  7. 10. Born in Scotland, he grew up in Portage, WI and his passions dealt with the Pacific mountains.
  8. 12. 1973 was a key environmental year in that both the __________ Water and Air Acts were written.
  9. 13. _______ and Crockett was a hunting club formed by Teddy Roosevelt and George Grinnell to focus on big game populations.
  10. 14. The first state to issue a deer hunting license.
  11. 17. An avid person who drew birds, a Society today is named after him.
  12. 19. The National _______ Service manages all Federal Parks, refuges and monuments.
  13. 21. The ring-necked _____________ is a success story of a non-native animal being brought from China. Today, the DNR releases 50,0000 of these birds.
  14. 22. Henry David Thoreau wrote this book after living 2 years by himself.
  15. 26. ___________'s Cow went extinct during 30 years of hunting them in the N. Pacific near the Bering Strait off of Russia
  16. 30. WI as an example, offered a $5_____ in 1865 for the killing of wolves