
  1. 2. Major Contains Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. Visible in the winter months in the southern hemisphere.
  2. 4. Representing a lion, a zodiac constellation known for its bright star Regulus. Visible in the spring sky in the northern hemisphere.
  3. 9. Symbolizing a water-bearer, a zodiac constellation with several notable stars, visible in the autumn and winter skies.
  4. 12. Resembles a scorpion and is a zodiac constellation with the red star Antares as its brightest member. Visible in the summer sky.
  5. 13. Representing an archer, a zodiac constellation with the bright center of the Milky Way passing through it. Visible in the summer months.
  6. 14. Easily recognizable with three bright stars in a row forming the hunter's belt. Visible in the winter sky.
  1. 1. Representing a maiden, a zodiac constellation with the bright star Spica. Visible in the spring and summer skies.
  2. 2. Also known as the Northern Cross, a prominent summer constellation with the bright star Deneb at its tail.
  3. 3. Depicting a winged horse, a large and easily recognizable constellation in the northern hemisphere's autumn sky.
  4. 5. Major Prominent constellation resembling a large ladle or dipper. Visible throughout the year in the northern hemisphere.
  5. 6. Depicting twins, a zodiac constellation with the bright stars Castor and Pollux. Visible in the winter and spring skies.
  6. 7. Symbolizing a bull, a zodiac constellation with the bright star Aldebaran. Visible in the winter and spring skies.
  7. 8. Named after a mythical queen, it appears like a "W" or "M" shape and is easily visible in the northern sky during fall and winter.
  8. 10. Minor Also known as the Little Dipper, containing the North Star, Polaris. Visible throughout the year in the northern hemisphere.
  9. 11. Shaped like a dragon, a long, winding constellation visible in the northern sky during the summer months.