Constellation Scavenger Hunt

  1. 2. a summer constellation, the archer
  2. 6. contains the asterism, the big dipper
  3. 10. contains the north star
  4. 12. a southern constellation, the wolf
  5. 13. a summer constellation, the swan
  6. 14. constellation that contains the star, Betelguese
  7. 15. a circumpolar constellation shaped like a “M”
  8. 17. the little dipper is an example of an _____
  9. 18. contains the brightest star in the night sky
  1. 1. a circumpolar constellation, the dragon
  2. 3. the southern cross
  3. 4. January’s zodiac constellation
  4. 5. a winter constellation, the bull
  5. 7. the largest constellation in the sky
  6. 8. constellations that are visible year round
  7. 9. a winter constellation, the twins
  8. 11. contains the star Antares
  9. 12. a summer constellation, the scales
  10. 16. a spring constellation, the lion