Constitution & The Bill of Rights (pp.53-54)

  1. 5. At the Constitutional Convention, the ___ ___ Plan would give states equal representation
  2. 7. Guarantees trial by jury
  3. 12. At the Constitutional Convention the Virginia Plan made representation proportional to this state attribute
  4. 13. Congress was ___ under the Articles of Confederation
  5. 14. Elected president at the Constitutional Convention
  6. 17. This man led a mob of Massachusetts war veterans and farmers in “Rebellion” against local government
  7. 19. The New Jersey Plan excluded this branch of government
  8. 20. This Amendment keeps troops out of private homes in peacetime
  1. 1. In a Federal government the states retain certain ___ rights
  2. 2. This Amendment states that rights not given to the federal government are reserved to the states or the people
  3. 3. This solution made state representation in the Senate equal and state representation in the House proportional to population
  4. 4. This Amendment protects speech, religion, press, assembly and petition
  5. 6. This Amendment prohibits excessive fines and punishments
  6. 8. This Amendment requires due process and protects against double jeopardy and self-incrimination
  7. 9. This Amendment states that listing rights here does not deny or weaken rights given elsewhere
  8. 10. In a Federal government the nation is unified by fundamental ___
  9. 11. The Bill of Rights limits the power of ___
  10. 15. This Amendment guarantees a speedy and public trial with representation
  11. 16. This Amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures
  12. 18. This Amendment protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms