Contemporary World

  1. 1. Russia 1922 becomes USSR during this economic perspective
  2. 4. All the aspects from the decolonization of Africa lead to this
  3. 8. When colonial powers pull away from colonies
  4. 11. An indicator of wealth that many people wish to have
  5. 12. The thought that Milton Friedman created
  6. 14. This is the opposite of nationalization
  7. 16. To keep control over resources, ex-colonies did this to their national resources
  8. 18. A basic need that all humans need to survive and is an indicator of wealth
  9. 19. The USSR's allies were from ___________ Europe
  10. 20. The United States' allies were from ___________ Europe
  1. 2. Companies that are all over the world are called
  2. 3. Economic liberalism in a ________ ideology
  3. 5. Another term for progressive thought
  4. 6. When the strong dominate the weak
  5. 7. Ex-colonies become very ___________ on ex-mother nations
  6. 9. This economic perspective states that the common good is more important than individual pursuits
  7. 10. The first name of the german philosopher who was against capitalism
  8. 13. The way in which nations accumulate wealth, through foreign trade
  9. 15. The nation gains in __________ paid by MNC's
  10. 17. World War 2 __________ colonial powers