Content 4 review

  1. 1. city councilmen
  2. 6. Large marsupial
  3. 8. One of two families depicted by David
  4. 9. Has a trunk
  5. 12. Munch used oil, ________ and pastel when creating The Cry in 1893
  6. 14. Man's best friend
  7. 16. Painter of the Oxbow
  8. 18. Flying mammal
  9. 20. Favorite subject of Cezanne (3 word)
  10. 21. may have been the influence for The Scream/The Cry
  11. 22. Goya painted the disasters of ________________
  1. 2. artistic movement showing light-hearted affairs of the aristocracy
  2. 3. portion of a boat for lower-class citizens
  3. 4. inspired by Titian's Venus of Urbino
  4. 5. painted Luncheon on the Grass
  5. 7. 3 words for how Nadar took aerial photos
  6. 10. belief that subject matter in art should have a moral
  7. 11. This painting, in 1849, presented the subject in a straightforward manner
  8. 13. 19th C. paintings influenced by Japanese wood block prints
  9. 15. "little mountain"
  10. 17. Likes to chase mice
  11. 19. female artist influenced by Japanese printmaking