Continental drift

  1. 2. The continent that Wegener suggested was once connected to South America due to matching geological features.
  2. 4. The process by which continents move over geological time.
  3. 7. The process that occurs when tectonic plates separate, forming a gap in the sea.
  4. 9. The theory of Continental Drift is a fundamental concept in the field of ______________.
  5. 12. The layer of Earth beneath the lithosphere that behaves in a plastic, ductile manner over long periods of time.
  6. 14. The boundary where two tectonic plates are moving away from each other.
  7. 16. The largest tectonic plate on Earth that includes much of the Pacific Ocean.
  8. 18. The name of the scientist who developed the theory of Continental drift.
  9. 19. These features found on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean were key evidence for Wegener's theory.
  10. 20. The scientist who independently proposed a similar theory of continental motion, supporting Wegener's ideas.
  1. 1. The mountain range that runs along the mid-Atlantic Ridge, providing evidence for plate movement.
  2. 3. The name of the fossil plant that was crucial in supporting Wegener's theory.
  3. 5. The supercontinent that Wegener believed once existed, which he called "_____________."
  4. 6. The layer of Earth's structure made of hot dense silicate rocks.
  5. 8. The process by which Earth's plates were broken apart and drifted to their current positions.
  6. 10. The process by which tectonic plates collide and one is forced beneath the other.
  7. 11. The type of crust formed when plates push into each other.
  8. 13. Wegener's idea that continents were once connected but drifted apart was initially met with ______________ from the scientific community.
  9. 15. The ocean that separates Europe and North America.
  10. 17. The mechanism believed to drive plate tectonics, caused by heat from Earth's interior.