Contraindications- Bradley Dickson

  1. 1. Build up of fluid, resulting in swelling
  2. 2. common condition that can cause inflammation and pain in and around a joint
  3. 3. can press against the nerves in the spine
  4. 7. affects the spinal cord, brain, causing problems in muscle movement, balance and vision
  5. 8. blood pressure is lower than average level
  6. 10. an inherited condition that affects the bloods ability to clot
  7. 11. antibody cross-reactivity
  8. 15. A condition that affects the brain causing repetitive seizure’s
  9. 17. blood clot within a vessel
  10. 18. disease that affects a part of the brain getting worse over time
  1. 1. a condition that weakens the bones
  2. 4. inflammation of a vein
  3. 5. mental health problems
  4. 6. painful illness that usually happens when bacteria travels up from your bladder
  5. 9. condition that causes a persons blood sugar level to become dangerously high
  6. 11. chronic condition affecting the lungs
  7. 12. injury to a nerve or set of nerves
  8. 13. blood pressure is higher than average level
  9. 14. form of facial paralysis
  10. 16. carrying a developing embryo or fetus