Controlling your Carbs

  1. 2. Visiting your doctor often.
  2. 6. A way to help you plan your meals and keep your blood sugar on target.
  3. 8. The greatest risk factor for diabetes.
  4. 9. A metabolic disease characterized by high blood sugar.
  5. 11. A hormone that allows food to turn into energy and enter the cells.
  6. 12. Number of carbs recommended per meal.
  1. 1. Negative things that can occur from diabetes.
  2. 3. Part of the body that doesn't make insulin in a person with type 1 diabetes.
  3. 4. Apples, oranges, and bananas are all examples of.
  4. 5. A good way to keep track of your carbs for the day.
  5. 7. Number of grams in one serving of a carbohydrate.
  6. 10. A common symptom of diabetes.