  1. 1. (carbon) ________ is a building block of life.
  2. 2. (congress) Books in the library are arranged by the subject using the library _______ system.
  3. 4. (carbohydrates) A chemical chain that contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
  4. 5. (beriberi) A disease of the nervous system resulting in a thiamin deficiency.
  5. 6. (plasmid) A _______ is a small circular piece of DNA found in bacterial cells.
  6. 7. (digestion) The bodily process of breaking food down into simpler compounds that body can use.
  7. 9. This person works at the library and can help you find the perfect book to check out and read.
  8. 12. High blood pressure is otherwise known as __________
  9. 13. (genome) The DNA sequence for an entire organism.
  10. 14. (complex) Starches and fiber are often called ____________ carbohydrates.
  1. 1. (osteoporosis) A condition resulting from a calcium deficiency which is characterized by porous, brittle bones
  2. 2. Starch and glycogen both contains the isomer of _______ glucose.
  3. 3. (anaemia) A condition resulting from deficiencies of various nutrients, which is characterized by a reduced number of red blood cells in the blood stream.
  4. 4. (acetylCoA) In _____ form does the product of glycolysis enter the TCA cycle.
  5. 6. ________ is composed of amino acids.
  6. 8. (nutrition) The study of how the body uses the nutrient in food.
  7. 10. (trace) A mineral in the diet is less than 10mg per day is called as ________ element.
  8. 11. (water) ____________ is a nutrient required to regulate the body temperature.
  9. 12. (lactobacillus) Bacteria found in yoghurt.
  10. 13. (catalogue) List of all books found in a library.