
  1. 5. a person online that pretends to be someone they are not
  2. 6. a tool used mainly for locating specific websites on the World Wide Web
  3. 9. is a software for accessing the internet,creating a web page
  4. 10. it takes its instructions from the RAM, decodes its task, then follows or calculates the instruction
  5. 12. Opposite of software
  1. 1. the opposite of hardware
  2. 2. When a person goes on a website, they might be asked to accept this type of food
  3. 3. a flash drive that you can use for communication and power supplies between devices
  4. 4. 1000 megabytes
  5. 5. What all your pictures, videos, and data is stored on
  6. 6. Something that is usually in your pocket everyday, it also can send texts and calls
  7. 7. an electronic device with the ability to store and process data, often in binary form, and commands can be given by the owner or user
  8. 8. a program that, after being installed on the computer manages all of the other application programs on a computer
  9. 11. a address given resources on the internet
  10. 13. a shooter term memory chip. this can store working data and some code