Cooked: Air Crossword

  1. 2. When people started _________, they started settling down and building villages.
  2. 4. This term refers to the period from the first humans to the birth of writing.
  3. 5. We study history by looking at _________.
  4. 9. These are people who study the past by digging up artifacts
  5. 10. This term refers to the period when humans used stone tools
  6. 11. These advanced creatures evolved from apes
  7. 12. This was an important step in human evolution; it allowed humans to eat more food faster.
  8. 15. Early humans survived by being ________.
  1. 1. This term refers to the time when people started farming.
  2. 3. The first Americans got to North America by crossing the __________.
  3. 6. This bacteria enters dough and helps it rise and fill with air.
  4. 7. This is the only human species left on Earth
  5. 8. Humans would not have evolved unless they had learned to control _______.
  6. 13. When the __________ ended, it got warmer, and people started farming.
  7. 14. Long ago, people learned to grind wheat into flour and bake it into ________.