cooking methods

  1. 2. cooking food in an uncovered skillet
  2. 3. cooking food under direct heat
  3. 4. is stirring small pieces of food over high heat in a small amount of oil
  4. 6. cooking food with energy in the form of electrical waves
  5. 12. a method of transferring heat waves of energy
  6. 13. cooking food by immersing it in hot fat
  7. 15. value cooking method effects
  8. 16. cooking food over but not in boiling water
  9. 17. cooking food in a small amount of hot fat in a skillet
  10. 19. cooking food in liquid that has reached the highest temp possible
  11. 20. cooking foods surrounded by heat or in a oven
  12. 21. cooking food uncovered without added liquid or fat
  1. 1. cooking food in a small amount of liquid just below simmering
  2. 2. cooking food in a pressure cooker
  3. 5. cooking food in liquid at temp just below boiling
  4. 7. is a healthy way to cook
  5. 8. method of transferring heat through movement of molecules
  6. 9. method of transferring heat by direct contact
  7. 10. cooking food in simmering liquid and steam
  8. 11. cooking small pieces of food by covering them completely with a pan
  9. 14. heat effects foods
  10. 18. cooking food on a grate over an open flame