
  1. 5. Social, physical, psychological, or environmental stuff that stresses you
  2. 6. To protect yourself and the person in crisis
  3. 7. When a persons perceived cope is exceeded
  4. 11. Extremes in behaviors due to mental illness or substance abuse
  5. 13. Limit stimulation
  6. 15. Seizure, Grunting or Rapid breathing
  7. 18. cannot be changed
  8. 19. can potentially be improved with clinical intervention
  9. 20. Calm, trigger, agitation, acceleration,Peak, De-Escalation, Recovery
  1. 1. Extremes in behavior due to underlying medical condition
  2. 2. Put aside normal law enforcement response to de-esculate situations.
  3. 3. Someone who is suicidal engages in threatening criminal behavior directed at police
  4. 4. Ego
  5. 8. Another Tool for deescalation
  6. 9. Nonverbal Communication
  7. 10. Minimal encouragers
  8. 12. Is an example of crisis information
  9. 14. When a person is in a crisis
  10. 16. Represent association but don't imply causation
  11. 17. Sign of an escalating conflict