Coordinate Plane

  1. 2. The horizontal line on a coordinate plane
  2. 4. These coordinates fall in this quadrant (-5,7)
  3. 5. Two numbers written in a certain order such as (3,12) or (x,y)
  4. 6. The point that falls exactly between two ordered pairs.
  5. 9. These coordinates fall in this quadrant (4,-3)
  6. 10. The exact location of an ordered pair
  1. 1. The vertical line on a coordinate plane
  2. 3. A two-dimensional plane formed by the intersection of the x-axis and the y-axis.
  3. 7. The point at which the X-axis and Y-axis intersect represented by a (0,0)
  4. 8. These coordinates fall in this quadrant (-2,-5)
  5. 9. These coordinates fall in this quadrant (1,20)