
  1. 4. Copyright ____ Division
  2. 5. Words that could be IP but not copyright
  3. 6. has CAD, ASO, and RAC
  4. 8. Human authorship needed for copyright protection?
  5. 9. Office for the future
  6. 11. soon to be replaced system
  7. 12. First Register
  8. 15. name of both the head of the Copyright Office and the verb of what we often do
  9. 16. leave a phone message / update ownership records
  10. 17. Life plus 70 ___
  11. 18. the future (abbr.)
  12. 19. ___right (one word)
  13. 22. Cabin ____, new records location
  14. 23. Historical ____
  15. 26. ___ F ___ that is good with money
  1. 1. must be independently created and ______
  2. 2. ____ Your Creativity
  3. 3. holds the record for longest-serving Copyright Office employee
  4. 6. Crystal ___, once the Office's temporary home
  5. 7. useful article that was part of a Supreme Court decision
  6. 10. Copyright oversight committee (abbr.)
  7. 11. copyright is the free __ of expression
  8. 12. key for creativity and starting a fire
  9. 13. Office of ___ Counsel
  10. 14. a delicious dessert and one of our Offices
  11. 18. Register who retired in 2010
  12. 19. Library's oversight committee (abbr.)
  13. 20. Like the domain or the people who call us
  14. 21. Zadora and one of our Offices
  15. 23. makes sure things go where they need to
  16. 24. Rule of ___, updated in 2014 Compendium Release
  17. 25. Location of Office