
  1. 2. refraining any contact with other individuals for a period of time.
  2. 4. staying away from people
  3. 6. something we are working on to cure coronavirus
  4. 8. place of isolation
  5. 10. stopping something from happening
  6. 12. second country after China in coronavirus infections.
  7. 13. spreads quickly and easily by close contact and touching.
  8. 14. remain indoors between specified hours
  9. 15. need to wear all the time
  1. 1. virus or disease
  2. 3. outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide area
  3. 5. continuous monitoring of seriously ill patients
  4. 7. where coronavirus began
  5. 9. to cure people with coronavirus
  6. 11. 2020 virus