Coronavirus School crossword

  1. 3. / During this virus, many employers put people on _____ as to help stop the spread of the virus.
  2. 8. / Over several continents.
  3. 11. / The branch of scientists and medicine working on stopping Covid-19.
  4. 14. Tracing / The CDC put multiple people Jimmy was near into quarantine because Jimmy contracted Covid-19.
  5. 15. / A useful machine used in hospitals to help Covid-19 patients breathe.
  1. 1. / State laws require people to stay in this, except for essential trips, to stop the spread of Coronavirus.
  2. 2. / Staying inside, away from people will help ____ the Coronavirus from the world.
  3. 4. Immunity / Jimmy's mother is an antivaxer, but most of the people around him are immune to Coronavirus, so Jimmy is semi-immune because of ____.
  4. 5. Distancing / Staying 6 feet apart.
  5. 6. zero / _____ was suspected to have been in Wuhan, China.
  6. 7. / The name for the Coronavirus infecting the world.
  7. 9. The doctor has patients who test positive for coronavirus, but don't show it.
  8. 10. Covid-19 can live on surfaces and be passed to other organisms, therefore making it ______.
  9. 12. / A small dosage of a virus given to a human so the immune system knows how to deal with a virus.
  10. 13. / Because the Coronavirus can infect humans AND animals, it is ____.