Corporate Shared Services - What we do

  1. 2. 9 months in the making rules
  2. 6. equity under lock and key
  3. 8. the act of agreeing
  4. 12. governs SOW
  5. 14. buying goods or services
  6. 15. Zuckerberg's nightmare
  7. 16. gatherings with ennui/(sp?)
  8. 20. parting "gift"
  9. 21. health law regulation, not animal
  10. 23. agreement vault
  1. 1. could be iron or fingernail shavings
  2. 3. diligence search and share
  3. 4. Whackamole / Robert's Rules of Order
  4. 5. who's who at QBE
  5. 7. forever learning
  6. 9. unsolicited is not the best
  7. 10. meeting of the minds
  8. 11. products of the mind
  9. 13. a cloud execution
  10. 17. one route of the "L" in Chicago
  11. 18. lessen the gravity
  12. 19. type of beer; to write
  13. 22. aka work order