
  1. 2. superlative form of bad
  2. 5. something which shows what items are sold in a shop
  3. 6. superlative form of light
  4. 8. when lots of things in a store are cheaper than normal
  5. 11. polite form of 'I want'
  6. 14. a way to get from one place to another place
  7. 15. a portable, smaller computer
  8. 16. when something is very cheap for what is it
  9. 17. comparative form of good
  1. 1. something that costs a lot of money
  2. 3. a mobile calling device which you can use to go on the internet
  3. 4. comparative form of small
  4. 7. superlative form of heavy
  5. 9. technology which uses circuit boards, things like smartphones and computers
  6. 10. superlative form of big
  7. 12. something which doesn't cost a lot of money
  8. 13. the Australian name for sweet things to eat
  9. 18. a portable computer without a keyboard