Cotton, Cattle and Railroads

  1. 3. invented barbed wire
  2. 4. from 1974-75, this series of 200 battles removed Native Americans from the Panhandle area of Texas
  3. 7. Led the attack on the Adobe Walls trading post
  4. 8. In the 1867 _______________ Lodge Treaty, Native Americans were moved to reservations in Oklahoma
  5. 10. Kiowa leader who led a massacre near Salt Creek
  6. 11. Texas ranchers realised that they could make money by rounding up cattle and sending them North
  7. 13. railroad was built mostly by Chinese and Irish immigrants who faced discrimination by __________________
  8. 16. Former slaves stationed along the borders of Texas to protect settlers and stagecoaches from Native American attack
  9. 17. a cattle trail that ran from Bandera, through Kansas, and into Nebraska; avoided new settlements in the West
  10. 19. a cattle train that ran from south and central Texas to Kansas; discouraged travel across farmlands
  1. 1. after the battle of ___________ Natives living in the Panhandle were forced onto reservations, and they lost all control of the Texas Plains
  2. 2. By the 1890s, agriculture had become commercialized or ______________________
  3. 5. Cattle were first brought to Texas during the _____________ colonial era
  4. 6. Many settlers moved ____________ after the Civil War
  5. 9. a cattle trail that ran from west Texas, through New Mexico, and into Colorado; most traveled route in the Southwest
  6. 12. Spanish cows bred with European cattle resulted in this animal
  7. 14. Leader of Apache Natives
  8. 15. The cowboy era slowly came to an end as ____________ grew and became a cheaper form of transportation
  9. 16. The United States urged people to start hunting __________ to deplete the Native American's food supply
  10. 18. a cattle trail that ran from South Texas to Missouri; cut through local farms; resulted in fences being built