Cotton, Cattle, and Railroads Crossword

  1. 5. This type of town grew because a company owned most of the houses and services in the town.
  2. 7. This, along with railroads, were the main reasons the cattle drives ended.
  3. 8. The displacement of these people opened the western frontiers of Texas.
  4. 10. These grew out of the expansion of railroads throughout Texas.
  5. 11. This type of farming was developed for farming in west Texas and the Panhandle.
  6. 12. This type of oil, produced from cotton, became one of the state’s largest industries.
  7. 13. This is what was burned onto cattle to identify the ranch that owned them.
  1. 1. This trail was the western-most cattle drive trail discussed in class.
  2. 2. This crop brought in more profits than all the other crops in Texas combined.
  3. 3. This is the Mexican word for “cowboy.”
  4. 4. With the invention of this type of railroad car, the meat industry grew rapidly.
  5. 6. This, along with barbed-wire, were the main reasons the cattle drives ended.
  6. 9. By 1900, this natural resource was Texas leading industry.
  7. 12. These people conducted the cattle drives out of Texas.