Counselling Theory

  1. 2. Along with sufficient, describes the 6 conditions
  2. 4. Birth place of Carl Rogers
  3. 5. When a client redirects feelings about another onto the therapist
  4. 8. A peeson at stage 7 of process will be described as this
  5. 11. Number of propositions in Rogers' theory
  6. 12. Values we learn and take ownership of from others
  7. 13. Rogers bokkk 1980 'A way of..."
  8. 15. Maslow's first name
  9. 17. This Author's professional rossary 'its the relationship that heals.'
  10. 19. The contact necessary in the first of the six conditions
  11. 21. Triangle explaining destructive interactions of conflict
  1. 1. The natural tendency of the organism
  2. 3. Philosophy which describes an angst
  3. 6. How Rogers described the attitude of UPR for clients
  4. 7. First set of needs on Maslows pyramid
  5. 9. Main contributor on the topic of Relationsl depth
  6. 10. Founder of transactional analysis
  7. 14. Editor of 'The tribes of the person-centred Nation.'
  8. 16. Rogers middle name
  9. 18. Window developed to explain a model of developing self-awarenss
  10. 20. Primitive part of the mind according to Freud