  1. 3. It's in Europe. Pasta and pizza are delicious!
  2. 4. It`s in South America the flag is blue, white and blue and in the middle it has a sun.
  3. 6. It's a big country in Europe and the language is french.
  4. 8. It's in Europe and the flag is red, yellow and red.
  5. 10. It is between the United States and South America and the capital is Mexico City.
  1. 1. It´s an island and the capital is London.
  2. 2. It's in Europe and there are a lot of bicycles.
  3. 5. It's in Asia and the flag is white with a red circle.
  4. 7. It is in Africa and there are pyramids.
  5. 9. It's in Asia and the capital is New Delhi.