- 2. This flag has 1 color, it is green.
- 5. This flag has 3 colors: green, white and red.In the center has an eagle as an animal.
- 7. This flag has 2 colors: yellow and red.
- 8. This flag has 2 colors: ligh blue and white.
- 10. This flag has 3 colors: black, red and yellow.
- 1. This flag has 2colors: red and white. In the center has a red leaf.
- 3. This flag has 3 colors: white, blue and red.
- 4. This flag has 1 color, it is white. In the center has a red cirle.
- 6. This flag has 3 colors: green, white and red.
- 9. This flag has 3 colors:blue,white and red.