
  1. 3. The customs, traditions, arts, and social institutions of a particular group of people or a country.
  2. 6. The governing body or system that has the authority to make and enforce laws, maintain order, and provide services for a country.
  3. 7. A defined territory with its own government, borders, and people.
  4. 8. The elected or appointed leader of a country who represents and leads the government.
  5. 9. The study of the physical features, climate, and landscapes of a country or region.
  6. 10. A song or musical composition representing a country and often performed on special occasions or events.
  7. 11. The system of money used in a country, such as dollars, pounds, euros, or yen.
  1. 1. A form of government where the power is vested in the people, who exercise it directly or through elected representatives.
  2. 2. A piece of cloth with distinctive colors and patterns representing a country, usually hoisted on a flagpole.
  3. 4. The method of communication used by the people of a country, including words, grammar, and pronunciation.
  4. 5. A prominent or well-known feature of a country, such as a famous building, monument, or natural site.
  5. 7. The most important city or town of a country, where the government is located and major decisions are made.
  6. 8. The number of people living in a country or region.