
  1. 4. Feijoada is from this country.
  2. 7. Fish and chips is from this country.
  3. 9. Big country in Europe. Original Stroganov.
  4. 10. It is famous for Koalas and Kangaroo.
  5. 11. People speak spanish in this country.
  6. 13. Empanadas is a famous dish. People speak Spanish.
  1. 1. It is old and beautiful. Famous dish is Pizza.
  2. 2. States of America is the complete name
  3. 3. it is big and populous. Famous dish is Kung Pao chicken.
  4. 5. Sushi is a famous dish from this country.
  5. 6. It is cold and big. People speak English and French.
  6. 8. It is romantic and touristic.
  7. 12. it is big and old. Famous touristic location is The Ganges River.