
  1. 1. The Great Pyramid of Giza is here.
  2. 3. A country that used to be an empire in Asia.
  3. 5. A country that has the same flag as Romania.
  4. 7. FIFA World Cup was held here in 2022.
  5. 8. It is called the "rainbow nation" because of the many races that live here.
  6. 10. A beautiful island of Indonesia.
  7. 11. Home of Gaudi, a famous architect.
  8. 12. Home to sakura trees that (pink blossom trees)
  9. 13. An island in the Atlantic Ocean, inside the Arctic Circle.
  10. 14. A country on two continents.
  1. 1. Many believe that the Ark of the Covenant is in this country.
  2. 2. Where Islam was born.
  3. 4. A country where there's always war.
  4. 6. Moscow is thee capital city of this country.
  5. 9. The Rubik cube was invented here.