
  1. 3. A European country famous for its windmills, tulips, and canals, also called Holland.
  2. 6. A country in central Europe known for its beer, sausages, and the Berlin Wall.
  3. 8. A country in southeastern Asia known for its temples, elephants, and delicious cuisine.
  4. 9. A country in North America known for its Hollywood, Statue of Liberty, and fast food.
  1. 1. Western Europe is known for its rich history, art, and culture. It is famous for landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Notre-Dame Cathedral.
  2. 2. A country located in southern Europe shaped like a boot.
  3. 4. A large country and continent located in the Southern Hemisphere. There are few species of unique animals in this country.
  4. 5. A South American country famous for the World's Best Coffee and Amazon Forest
  5. 7. A country in eastern Asia famous for its Great Wall, pandas, and dumplings.
  6. 10. A country in the Middle East known for its pyramids, pharaohs, and the Nile River.