
  1. 4. Country with the Great Wall
  2. 5. Country famous for pyramids and the Nile River
  3. 7. Largest country in South America
  4. 10. Country known for its ancient temples and cuisine
  5. 12. AFRICA Known for safaris and Nelson Mandela
  6. 13. Used for the Eiffel Tower
  7. 14. Country known for its maple syrup and hockey
  1. 1. Country known for its chocolate and watches
  2. 2. Country known for its diverse landscapes and Indus Valley
  3. 3. Land of sushi and cherry blossomsNETHERLANDS Country famous for tulips and windmills
  4. 6. Statue of Liberty country
  5. 8. Largest country in the world
  6. 9. Country famous for its ancient civilization and Mediterranean coastline
  7. 11. Country with the city of Venice and pizza