Countries and Cities

  1. 1. Acronym for the United States of America.
  2. 3. It's known as the city of light.
  3. 6. Known for Martial Arts, the Great Wall and pandas.
  4. 7. Country known for Maple Syrup and mooses.
  5. 9. Germany's capital city.
  6. 11. The world's second tallest tower is here.
  7. 12. United Kingdom's largest metropolis.
  8. 14. Known as the Motherland of the World.
  9. 17. United States capital city.
  10. 19. This city is most famous for containing the famous Giza Pyramids Complex.
  11. 20. Acronym for the United Kingdom.
  12. 21. Known for Shakespeare, Harry Potter books and football.
  1. 1. Home to Stonehenge,Buckingham Palace and the Big Ben.
  2. 2. Mount Fuji, geishas and cherry blossoms can be found in this country.
  3. 4. It's famous for its attractions, such as the Grand Canyon, tech innovation, sports, and it has a large imprint on the global culture thanks to famous movies, television shows, and music.
  4. 5. Flamenco has its origin in this country.
  5. 8. It's also called Harbor City.
  6. 10. This city is best known for The Colosseum.
  7. 13. Often referred to as the 'Big Apple'.
  8. 15. China's capital city.
  9. 16. Spain's capital city.
  10. 18. It's where you can find the Tower of Pisa.