Countries and cities

  1. 2. Farm lands
  2. 9. True Travelers
  3. 10. Stunning
  4. 12. Hotness
  5. 13. natural beauty
  6. 15. Landscape mountins
  7. 16. may flower
  8. 17. Its badlands
  9. 18. White house
  10. 19. Buckeys
  1. 1. important industrial centers for coal
  2. 3. Wide open spaces
  3. 4. The Garden State
  4. 5. The Granite State
  5. 6. Aligatorrs
  6. 7. Beaches
  7. 8. Dallas
  8. 11. The birth place nation
  9. 14. Mount rush more
  10. 17. Times Square