Countries and Cities

  1. 1. Capital city of this country is New Delhi.
  2. 7. Largest country with no terms.
  3. 8. The 2014 olympics will be held in.
  4. 10. The first country that gave women the right to vote.
  5. 12. Most populous in the United States.
  6. 13. Largest country in South America.
  7. 14. Most overweight population.
  8. 16. Capital city is Amsterdam.
  9. 18. Most lakes in the world.
  10. 19. Where the big ben is located.
  11. 20. The eiffel tower is in.
  1. 2. Where Hitler was born.
  2. 3. The capital city in Japan.
  3. 4. Where kangaroos are known to be.
  4. 5. Was named after the country in Guinea in Africa.
  5. 6. Japanese if the official language.
  6. 9. Capital city is Athens.
  7. 11. Shares a border with England.
  8. 15. Where China hosted the 2008 olympic games.
  9. 17. The largest city in the world by population.