Countries HF4

  1. 6. A small country between Sweden and Germany.
  2. 7. Home of the ancient pyramids.
  3. 9. Nokia phones are from ___.
  4. 14. The home of Ikea.
  5. 15. Famous for its sausages!
  6. 17. Everything is made in ___.
  7. 18. Famous for food and Ferraris.
  8. 19. The capital is Bratislava.
  9. 21. Everything is green on St. Patrick´s Day.
  10. 22. A land of ice and volcanoes.
  1. 1. This is also the name of a bird.
  2. 2. The second biggest country.
  3. 3. They eat frogs´legs here.
  4. 4. Mountainous with expensive chocolate.
  5. 5. The Pope lives in the ___ city.
  6. 8. This is also an American state, starting with G.
  7. 10. The capital is Amsterdam.
  8. 11. Kangaroos live here.
  9. 12. Gandhi is from ___.
  10. 13. I run, but in the past.
  11. 16. Sea animals!
  12. 20. The Amazon river flows through this country.