Countries III

  1. 1. Otabek
  2. 4. You spelled my name wrong
  3. 7. Of blackbirds
  4. 8. Goulash 'Gulyas' is from here! ;)
  5. 10. Hindi-Urdu, Punjabi, and other languages originate in
  6. 12. Loves potatoes
  7. 15. Kanga is part of the traditional clothes
  8. 17. Language mutually intellegable with Thai
  9. 18. Fritz
  10. 19. Red over white
  11. 20. This island is GREEN.
  1. 2. You can't pronounce it, sadly
  2. 3. Arirang
  3. 5. I'm not the state!
  4. 6. Blue, White, and Red
  5. 9. Home country of GARLIC BREAD
  6. 11. My hometown is the capital of ;)
  7. 13. The Sun ;)
  8. 14. Also the name of a river in the area
  9. 16. Reggae