Countries, nationalities and Languages

  1. 4. I am from Mexico. I am __________
  2. 5. Nina is from Canada. She speaks English and __________
  3. 7. Ronaldo is Brazilian. He speaks __________
  4. 8. Mike and Susan are from the United States. They are __________
  5. 9. Siobhan is from Ireland. She is ___________
  6. 10. Lara is German. She is from __________
  1. 1. My best friend is British. He is from __________
  2. 2. I speak Spanish. I am from Chile. I am _________
  3. 3. Juan is colombian. He speaks __________
  4. 6. Jin and Hana are from Korean. They speak __________
  5. 8. Nick is Australian. He is ___________