Countries of Southeast Asia

  1. 3. This tiny, oil-rich Islamic country is ruled by a hereditary Sultan.
  2. 4. The Khmer ______ revolutionary movement came to power in Cambodia in 1975
  3. 5. ____________is one of two Southeast Asian countries that is an archipelago (group of islands)
  4. 7. The population of this prosperous island city-state are predominantly descended from Chinese migrants to British Malaya (now Malaysia).
  5. 8. In 1954, France was forced to withdraw from this territory after suffering a humiliating defeat by Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries.
  6. 9. This closed-off Communist republic is the only landlocked country in Southeast Asia
  1. 1. What Myanmar used to be called (hint: the name reflects the dominance of the Bama ethnicity)
  2. 2. This small country, a former Portuguese colony, broke away from Indonesia after an independence referendum in 1999.
  3. 5. The only Southeast Asian country that was never colonized by a Western power
  4. 6. Modern name for the Dutch East Indies