
  1. 2. soccer, carnival, Yagi(Savanna)
  2. 3. largest area, Borscht, Matrioshka dolls
  3. 6. the most population, pandas, Great Wall of 〇〇
  4. 9. kangaroos, koalas, Great Barrier Reef
  5. 10. sushi, cherry blossoms, Mt.Fuji
  6. 11. maple, Niagara Falls, the Olympic in 2010
  1. 1. the statue of Liberty, junk food, Hawaii
  2. 2. Big Ben, Harry Potter, Scotch whisky
  3. 4. curry rice, elephants, Hindu
  4. 5. Beer, Sausage, the Berlin Wall
  5. 7. Pyramid, Sphinx, Mummy
  6. 8. Louvre, Eiffel, Notre Dame