
  1. 2. A holiday celebrated on October 31st, known for costumes, trick-or-treating, and spooky decorations.
  2. 3. A special day commemorating the day a person was born.
  3. 8. A holiday celebrated in the United States and Canada to give thanks for the harvest and blessings of the year.
  1. 1. The beginning of the year, celebrated on January 1st.
  2. 4. A month-long Islamic holiday observed with fasting from sunrise to sunset.
  3. 5. A Jewish festival celebrated for eight days, known as the Festival of Lights.
  4. 6. A holiday celebrated in the spring to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  5. 7. A holiday celebrated on December 25th to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.
  6. 9. A holiday that commemorates the independence of a country or nation.