Country Capitals

  1. 2. It is the capital of South Korea. It's a city where ancient traditions meet modern technology.
  2. 4. It is the capital of Russia. It's a city known for its iconic landmarks like the Red Square and the Kremlin.
  3. 7. It is the capital of Mexico. It's a city filled with vibrant colors, delicious cuisine, and historical treasures.
  4. 9. It is the capital of Australia. It's a city known for its planned layout and abundance of national monuments and museums.
  5. 11. It is the capital of the United Kingdom. It's a bustling metropolis with famous landmarks such as Big Ben and the Tower of London.
  6. 12. It is the capital of Brazil. It's a city designed with futuristic architecture and serves as the seat of government.
  7. 13. It is one of the three capitals of South Africa. It's a city known for its jacaranda-lined streets and historic buildings.
  8. 14. It is the capital of the United States. It's a city filled with iconic landmarks like the White House and the Lincoln Memorial.
  1. 1. It is the capital of Japan. It's a city that seamlessly blends tradition and technology.
  2. 3. It is the capital of China. It's a city steeped in history and known for its iconic landmarks such as the Great Wall and the Forbidden City.
  3. 5. It is the capital of Canada. It's a city known for its natural beauty and cultural heritage.
  4. 6. It is the capital of India. It's a city known for its rich history, diverse culture, and bustling markets.
  5. 8. It is the capital of France. It's a city renowned for its art, fashion, and culinary delights.
  6. 10. It is the capital of Italy. It's a city that holds the key to ancient history, with iconic sites like the Colosseum and the Vatican City.
  7. 12. It is the capital of Germany. It's a city known for its vibrant arts scene, historical significance, and modern architecture.