Court Services Week

  1. 2. offenders will typically earn this if they follow all rules while on home detention if ordered by the court
  2. 7. could be hiding in trunk
  3. 9. risk many of our offenders are ______ risk
  4. 10. gone without permission
  5. 11. can be a sanction, incentive, or ordered by they judge
  6. 13. offenders who are in office for community service only are listed as ____________ supervision
  7. 14. final decision maker
  1. 1. office to the left
  2. 3. office to the right
  3. 4. place where rulings are made
  4. 5. due by officer when offender conduct has been deemed unacceptable
  5. 6. basic layout of what offenders will do during home detention
  6. 7. many of our offenders have a history of drug _____
  7. 8. used to inject drugs
  8. 12. offender can not be intaked without this